Emergency Aid

The University of the Incarnate Word is committed to supporting our students, which includes overcoming temporary financial hardships. The following resources are available to UIW students.

Emergency Funding at UIW

Emergency Funding Applications:

Update: As of Sept. 13, 2021, the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) has been exhausted. Our office is no longer accepting emergency funding applications at this time.

  • Fall 2021 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of Sept. 13, 2021.
  • Summer 2021 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of Sept. 13, 2021.
  • Spring 2021 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of Aug. 31, 2021.
  • Spring 2021 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II Application: Application closed as of May 18, 2021.
  • Fall 2020 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of Feb. 22, 2021.
  • Spring 2020 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of June 30, 2020.
  • Summer 2020 Emergency Funding Application: Application closed as of Aug. 18, 2020.

学生可以获得联邦高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF) III, HEERF II, the Federal CARES Act (HEERF I) and/or the UIW Emergency Impact Fund.

  • Legislative guidance as of May 11, 2021: Recently updated guidance from from the Dept. 于2021年5月11日发布的HEERF I, II和III要求的变更. 资格现在被定义为任何正在或曾经注册的个人(如34 CFR§668所定义).2) at an eligible institution (as defined in 34 CFR § 600.2) on or after March 13, 2020, 宣布因冠状病毒进入全国紧急状态的日期(85 FR 15337). Therefore, a FAFSA is not required in order for a student to apply for emergency aid, but it is highly recommended in order to establish exceptional need. 有特殊需要的无证/国际学生现在可以申请紧急援助.
  • Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) II: HEERF II旨在为有资格获得基于FAFSA要求的第四章援助的学生提供经济支持.g., U.S. citizen, 符合条件的非公民)支付费用(包括食品等符合条件的费用), housing, course materials, technology, healthcare and childcare) due to COVID-19.
  • Federal CARES Act (HEERF I)联邦关怀法案基金旨在为有资格获得基于FAFSA要求的第四章援助的学生提供经济支持.g., U.S. citizen, 符合条件的非公民)支付因COVID-19而导致校园运营中断的相关费用(包括食品等符合条件的费用), housing, course materials, technology, healthcare and childcare).
  • UIW Emergency Impact Fund:慷慨捐赠给uw紧急影响基金将直接帮助uw学生减轻意外困难带来的意想不到的经济压力.

Emergency Funding Application Guidelines:

  • 面向所有经历过不可预见的困难的UIW在校生.
  • 紧急资金旨在为遇到不可预见的经济困难(包括食品等费用)的学生提供经济支持, housing, course materials, healthcare, childcare, tuition and fees).
  • 优先考虑因2019冠状病毒病导致校园运营中断和/或课程交付平台更改而遇到困难的学生.
  • Funds are awarded based on qualifying expenses and aid available.
    • 学生可以从HEERF III(2021年夏季开始及以后的申请)资金中获得的最高总额如下:
      • Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 6,000 or less: $3,200
      • 预期家庭贡献(EFC)超过6,000或非fafsa申报者的学生:2,000美元
    • The maximum total a student may receive from the HEERF II funds are as follows:
      • Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 6,000 or less: $1,600
      • 预期家庭贡献(EFC)超过6,000或非fafsa申报者的学生:1,000美元
    • The maximum total a student may receive from any combination of CARES, or Emergency Impact Funds in a single semester is as follows:
      • Undergraduate students who are eligible for the Pell Grant: $800
      • Undergraduate students who are NOT eligible for the Pell Grant: $500
      • Graduate/Professional students: $250
  • 在3月13日宣布紧急状态之前已经100%在线注册的学生, 2020, are not eligible for CARES funds. However, 2021年春季100%在线注册的学生可能有资格获得HEERF II和/或紧急影响基金.
  • The submission of the Emergency Funding Application does not guarantee approval.
  • 财政援助办公室将审查请求,学生将收到有关决定或要求进一步信息的电子邮件通知.
  • 我们鼓励学生通过填写应付账款来注册从商务办公室获得电子退款 direct deposit (pdf) via Cardinal Apps to receive funds in a timely manner. Please note, 学生退款需要直接存入应付账款,与工资直接存入分开. 没有注册直接存款的学生将收到一张支票,邮寄到档案中的永久地址. To update your address in BannerWeb, please follow these instructions (pdf).
  • Funds awarded may be a combination of the Federal HEERF II, the Federal CARES Act and the UIW Emergency Impact Fund.

Federal CARES Act Automatic Grant Process:

  • No application required. 符合资格要求的学生将在2020年5月11日之前自动获得奖学金.
  • Federal CARES Act Eligibility:
    • Enrolled as of March 13, 2020.
    • 截至2020年5月6日,2019-2020年FAFSA已处理并确认第四章援助资格.
    • Not exclusively taking online courses for Spring 2020.
  • 奖励用于支付与转向远程学习(包括技术)相关的额外费用, Wi-Fi, access to study/classroom/campus space).
  • 2020年春季课程注册12小时以上的学生将获得400美元,2020年春季课程注册12小时以下的学生将获得300美元. 100%在线注册的学生或在2020年3月13日之前退出的学生不符合资格.
  • 学生可以通过上面链接的“紧急资助申请”申请额外资助.
  • All eligible students were notified on May 7, 2020, 他们是否有资格获得自动拨款,以便有时间进行更新 direct deposit (pdf) information or permanent addresses (pdf) for physical checks.

Special Circumstances for FAFSA Filers

财政援助办公室认识到,有时在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上报告的学生和/或家长税务信息可能无法准确反映家庭的真实财务状况. If there is an unusual circumstance that should be taken into account, you may request a review to determine if adjustments can be made to your FAFSA.

Circumstances may include:

  • Review for additional expenses (e.g., child care, laptop purchases or required software).
  • Change in financial circumstances.
  • Change in household size due to pregnancy.
  • Unusual medical expenses.
  • Change in marital status.

Visit our Special Circumstances page for more information.

Academic Scholarship Reinstatement Request

因COVID而在2020年秋季或2021年春季离开UIW并在另一所大学就读的学生可以提交 Academic Scholarship Reinstatement Request to request to have their UIW Academic Scholarship reinstated.

Federal Student Aid and Loan Updates

有关学生和家长贷款变化的最新信息,请访问教育部的 Coronavirus page.

ECMC Solutions

UIW与ECMC Solutions合作,为您的联邦学生贷款借款/偿还提供免费咨询,并帮助学生避免贷款违约. Visit ECMC Solutions for more information.

Food Resources

Cardinals' Cupboard Food Pantry: UIW's Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability maintains the Cardinals' Cupboard Food Pantry for non-perishable food assistance. They also maintain a list of external assistance programs and events.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): SNAP提供营养补助,以补充贫困家庭的食品预算,使他们能够购买健康食品并走向自给自足. 要了解如何申请SNAP,或关于您的资格的其他问题,请联系您的 local SNAP office. The COVID expansion for SNAP is no longer in place. 学生必须直接向当地的SNAP办公室申请,看看他们是否符合获得SNAP的学生资格. In order to qualify as a Student in Higher Education for SNAP, the student must be enrolled at least half-time; over the age 18; and either: working 20+ hours a week earning at least minimum wage; or working through the federal work-study program. Click here for an Adobe Sign student eligibility verification form if you are currently contracted and working through UIW's federal work-study program.


Other Assistance Programs

Benefits.gov: Find government benefits related to unemployment assistance, healthcare and food and nutrition. 

2-1-1 Texas:德克萨斯州卫生和人类服务委员会的一个项目,致力于帮助德克萨斯州公民获得他们需要的服务.

Affordable Connectivity Program符合条件的家庭将能够参加该计划,从经批准的供应商那里获得每月宽带服务费用的折扣.

请注意:教育部正在为《菠菜评级排行》中的高等教育紧急救济基金发布滚动指导. 根据从本署收到的任何额外指导要求,将对这些资金的申请和/或发放作出调整, and/or any additional legislative action.


Legislative guidance as of May 11, 2021: Recently updated guidance from the Department 于2021年5月11日发布的HEERF I, II和III要求的变更. 资格现在被定义为任何正在或曾经注册的个人(如34 CFR§668所定义).2) at an eligible institution (as defined in 34 CFR § 600.2) on or after March 13, 2020, 宣布因冠状病毒进入全国紧急状态的日期(85 FR 15337). Therefore, a FAFSA is not required in order for a student to apply for emergency aid, but it is highly recommended in order to establish exceptional need. 有特殊需要的无证/国际学生现在可以申请紧急援助.

Requirements prior to May 11, 2021: 《菠菜评级排行》中的高等教育紧急救济基金适用于2020年春季入学的学生, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, 或目前在2021年春季入学,并有资格根据以下FAFSA要求获得联邦援助:

  • U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
    *F-1 / J-1国际学生和无证学生不符合资格,但仍鼓励申请uw紧急影响基金. 这些学生的资金将根据资金情况通过机构补助金提供.
  • Registered for/or exempt from Selective Service.
  • Not in default or overpayment on any federal loan or grant aid.
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
  • 在接受第四章援助期间未因持有或销售非法毒品而被定罪.
  • If selected, have completed the verification process.
  • Have resolved any other FAFSA flags and/or discrepancies.

In addition, 学生必须承担因新冠肺炎导致校园运营中断的相关费用. 在3月13日宣布紧急状态之前已经100%在线注册的学生, 2020, are not eligible for the first round of CARES funds; however, online students enrolled for Spring 2021 do qualify for HEERF II.

Who is eligible for the UIW Emergency Impact funds?

UIW Emergency Impact funds are open to all students enrolled during Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, or currently enrolled for Spring 2021. 优先考虑受COVID-19大流行影响的学生, including expenses such as food, housing, course materials, technology, healthcare, childcare, tuition and fees, etc.

Which fund should I apply for?

符合联邦HEERF II或联邦关怀法案条件的学生将自动获得资助. 但是,学生也可以通过紧急资助申请申请紧急资助.

How much could I qualify for?

From the Federal CARES Act automatic grant, 2020年春季课程注册12小时以上的学生将获得400美元,2020年春季课程注册12小时以下的学生将获得300美元. 100%在线注册的学生或在2020年3月13日之前退出的学生不符合资格. However, 2021年春季100%在线注册的学生可能有资格获得HEERF II和/或紧急影响基金.

In addition to the automatic grant, 学生在一个学期内可以从紧急资金申请中获得的最高总额如下:

  • The maximum total a student may receive from the HEERF II funds are as follows:
    • Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or 6,000 or less: $1,600
    • Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or 6,000 or more: $1,000
  • The maximum total a student may receive from any combination of CARES, or Emergency Impact Funds in a single semester is as follows:
    • Undergraduate students who are eligible for the Pell Grant: $800
    • Undergraduate students who are NOT eligible for the Pell Grant: $500
    • Graduate/Professional students: $250

奖励数额是根据高等教育紧急救济基金使用的联邦拨款程序和教育部建议的优先次序确定的. Awards are to be prioritized to the neediest students, until funds are exhausted.

How would I receive my funds, if awarded?

Once you have been awarded, 资金将在3-5个工作日内存入您的银行账户或通过USPS邮寄. 我们鼓励您通过填写应付账款来注册商务办公室的电子退款 direct deposit (pdf) via Cardinal Apps to receive funds in a timely manner. Please note, 学生退款需要直接存入应付账款,与工资直接存入分开. 没有注册直接存款的学生将收到一张支票,邮寄到档案中的永久地址. To update your address in BannerWeb, please follow these instructions (pdf).

  • 来自《菠菜评级排行》的资金直接发放给学生,无论欠uw的余额如何.
  • 高等教育综合资助基金II的资助可用于未偿余额和/或直接发给学生, depending on the options indicated on the application.
  • 紧急影响基金的资金将首先用于任何未付余额, with any remainder being issued to the student.


Funds will be distributed until exhausted. In the event that funds remain after all eligible students have been awarded, the application will be updated and made available online.

What if the funds I receive are not enough, or I still have a balance?

Please contact the Office of Financial Assistance to speak about your specific situation. 应急资金非常有限,但你可能有其他选择,比如贷款.

Would I still qualify if I didn’t file a FAFSA?

而教育部的指导表明,FAFSA并不需要, 根据1965年高等教育法,没有其他可行的方法来确认第四章的资格, as amended, Section 484. 您可以提交2020-2021年FAFSA,以获得来年的考虑和经济援助, or you may still submit the 2019-2020 FAFSA at Studentaid.gov until June 30, 2020. However, 为了有资格获得资金,所有要求仍然需要完成并完成验证(如果选择). Keep in mind that funds are limited and will be awarded first-come, first-served.

How will I know if my request is approved?

Once your application has been received and reviewed, 如果你的助学金已经更新,你会收到一封电子邮件通知你, which can be viewed in BannerWeb, or an email notifying you of the reason(s) for denial via Cardinal Mail.

Will I have to repay these funds?

No. 通过这些紧急基金提供的援助纯属赠款,不予偿还.

Are these emergency funds taxable?


《菠菜评级排行》没有明确规定只有持有有效FAFSA的学生才有资格. Why is that restriction being added?

The Department of Education released additional guidance on April 21, 2020, 具体排除了那些没有资格通过FAFSA获得第四章援助的学生.

What if my family is experiencing ongoing hardship due to the pandemic?

财政援助办公室认识到,有时在FAFSA上报告的学生和/或家长税务信息可能无法准确反映家庭的真实财务状况. If there is an unusual circumstance that should be taken into account, you may request a review to determine if adjustments can be made to your FAFSA.
Circumstances may include:

  • Change in financial circumstances.
  • Unusual medical expenses.

Visit our  Special Circumstances page for more information.

CARES Act (HEERF I) Funding

  • The certification and agreement form was approved on April 20, 2020, 声明威斯康星大学将利用这笔资金向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.
  • uw收到的学生关怀/HEERF I直接学生资助:2,609,844美元.00
  • 威斯康星大学有资格参加1965年《菠菜评级》第四章第484条规定的课程的估计总人数, as amended, 因此有资格获得紧急经济援助补助金(不包括3月13日之前100%在线注册的学生), 2020, as dictated by grant requirements):
    • As of reporting date: May 12, 2020: 4,542
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2020: 4,565
    • As of reporting date: July 8, 2020: 4,577
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 1, 2020: 4,577
  • The total amount of CARES/HEERF I funds distributed:
    • As of reporting date: May 12, 2020: $2,242,582.00
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2020: $2,609,844.00
    • As of reporting date: July 8, 2020: $2,609,844.00
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 1, 2020: $2,609,844.00
  • 获得CARES/HEERF I紧急经济援助补助金的学生总数:
    • As of reporting date: May 12, 2020: 4,542
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2020: 4,565
    • As of reporting date: July 8, 2020: 4,577
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 1, 2020: 4,577
  • CARES/HEERF I fully expended by July 8, 2020. No additional reporting to be completed.

HEERF II Funding

  • Student HEERF II funding received by UIW for direct student grants: $2,609,844.00
  • The Grant Award Notification was received by UIW on March 8, 2021.
  • uw有资格获得HEERF II学生助学金的估计总人数:
    • As of reporting date: April 19, 2021: 6,091
    • As of reporting date: May 3, 2021: 6,094
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2021: 8,350*
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: 8,349
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: 8,349
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: 8,349
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: 8,349
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: 8,349
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: 8,348
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: 8,348
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: 8,348
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: 8,348
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: 8,348
  • The total amount of HEERF II funds distributed:
    • As of reporting date: April 19, 2021: $2,016,500.00
    • As of reporting date: May 3, 2021: $2,068,600.00
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2021: $2,210,430
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: $2,330,291
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: $2,412,423
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: $2,567,711.02
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: $2,609,844
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: $2,609,844
  • 获得高等教育资助基金第二期紧急经济援助补助金的学生总数:
    • As of reporting date: April 19, 2021: 2,768
    • As of reporting date: May 3, 2021: 2,829
    • As of reporting date: June 3, 2021: 3,043
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: 2,094**
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: 2,145
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: 2,243
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: 2,260
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: 2,260
  • HEERF II fully expended by Oct. 4, 2021. No additional reporting to be completed.

*Change in total eligible students reflects a clarification published by Dept. of Education on May 11, 2021, 该法案更新了合格学生的定义,包括非公民和非fafsa学生.

**Unduplicated students beginning with July 6, 2021 report.


  • Student HEERF III funding received by UIW for direct student grants: $7,843,183.00
  • The Grant Award Notification was received by UIW on May 11, 2021.
  • uw有资格获得HEERF III学生助学金的学生总数:
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: 7,119
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: 7,904
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: 9,306
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: 9,513
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: 8,464
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: 8,658
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: 8,903
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: 9,142
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: 9,278
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: 9,278
  • The total amount of HEERF III funds distributed:
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: $1,767,200
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: $2,244,465
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: $7,222,534
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: $7,786,983
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: $7,843,183
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: $7,843,183
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: $7,843,183
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: $7,843,183
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: $7,843,183
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: $7,843,183
  • 获得高等教育资助基金第三期紧急经济资助补助金的学生总数:
    • As of reporting date: July 6, 2021: 810
    • As of reporting date: Aug. 4, 2021: 1,026
    • As of reporting date: Sept. 1, 2021: 2,591
    • As of reporting date: Oct. 4, 2021: 2,760
    • As of reporting date: Nov. 1, 2021: 2,773
    • As of reporting date: Dec. 3, 2021: 2,773
    • As of reporting date: Jan. 3, 2022: 2,773
    • As of reporting date: Feb. 3, 2022: 2,773
    • As of reporting date: March 3, 2022: 2,773
    • As of reporting date: April 3, 2022: 2,773
  • HEERF III fully expended by Nov. 1, 2021. No additional reporting to be completed.

HEERF Institutional Share Funding Reports